Media enquiries

Media enquiries for any hospital or service within Sydney Children's Hospitals Network are managed by the Communications and Engagement Directorate.

This includes; our hospitals, Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick, The Children's Hospital at Westmead; and specialised services, Bear Cottage, Children's Court Clinic, NSW Poisons Information Centre and NETS.

General media enquiries  

  • Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick: call us on (02) 9382 3571
  • The Children's Hospital at Westmead: call us on (02) 7825 3364 
  • Written enquiries via email at

Patient condition reports

  • Are only released once consent has been obtained from a patient’s parent or legal guardian.
  • Patient care takes priority over the provision of condition reports which are not issued without the permission of the treating team.
  • Are available from 6am-9am and 5pm-10pm weekdays and from 6am-10pm on weekends, to minimise disruption to patients and families.

​​​Urgent after hours media enquiries

Sydney Children's Hospitals Network provides a seven day a week media service to ensure all necessary information, including patient condition reports, priority community health issues and emergencies, are communicated effectively to the community.

The after-hours ‘on call’ media service is for urgent media enquiries only. In the event of an emergency, the on call service may be extended.

  • Call us on (02) 9382 1111 or (02) 7825 0000 and ask for the Media Officer on call.

Non-urgent enquiries can be directed to the relevant Communications and Engagement office during business hours.