Diphtheria factsheet


Diphtheria is a bacterial infection that spreads through coughing or sneezing. The toxins produced by the infection can cause swelling and inflammation, leading to a grey-coloured membrane in the throat that can block airways and put your child at risk of suffocation.

Diphtheria is a severe illness but is very rare in Australia because of the diphtheria vaccine. 

Children are at higher risk of getting diphtheria if they:

  • are not vaccinated against diphtheria
  • have a lowered immune system, such as during cancer treatment
  • live in a crowded or unhygienic environment
  • travel to regions where there is a known risk of diphtheria, including:
    • Baltic states
    • Eastern Europe
    • Russia
    • Southeast Asia.

 Signs and symptoms

Symptoms usually show up 2-10 days after infection. They can include:

  • runny nose
  • severe sore throat
  • fever
  • swollen glands in the neck and throat
  • a grey-coloured membrane growing inside the throat, sometimes covered in a furry, grey, or black coating made of bacteria
  • problems with breathing and swallowing that get worse over time.

Diphtheria can also cause a skin infection with: 

  • inflammation
  • pus
  • pain
  • a growth of grey and black fuzz, like the throat membrane.

Mild cases of diphtheria may not have many symptoms, but your child will still be able to spread the infection for around six weeks.

Because diphtheria is a severe infection, take your child to your local doctor as soon as possible if they show symptoms or if you are concerned.


Your child’s doctor will be able to diagnose diphtheria based on:

  • their vaccination record
  • travel history
  • a physical examination
  • testing a swab of the nose and throat.


If a doctor suspects diphtheria in your child, treatment will begin before the test results are confirmed. Treatment involves antibiotics and antitoxin medication and may also include hospitalisation or surgery to remove the throat membrane. 

Your child must be separated from others during treatment to prevent the spreading of the infection. Parents and carers will need to wear personal protective equipment, including gloves, masks, and gowns. 

Other household members should consider getting a diphtheria vaccine booster and may need antibiotics to prevent infection.


Diphtheria vaccine

Diphtheria can be prevented with the diphtheria vaccine, which helps your child’s immune system learn to identify and attack the bacteria. 

The diphtheria vaccine is included in the National Immunisation Program Schedule for children in Australia at the following ages:

  • two months
  • four months
  • six months
  • 18 months
  • four years 
  • 12-13 years through school vaccination programmes.

Side effects from these vaccines are uncommon and usually mild. They may include:

  • pain and swelling where the needle was injected
  • a low temperature
  • feeling unsettled and sleepy.

Speak to your local doctor if you have any questions or concerns about the diphtheria vaccine.


This factsheet is provided for general information only. It does not constitute health advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat any health condition.

Please consult with your doctor or other health professional to make sure this information is right for you and/or your child.

The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network does not accept responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions, the interpretation of the information, or for success or appropriateness of any treatment described in the factsheet.

© Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network 2024

This factsheet was produced with support from John Hunter Children's Hospital.