Factsheets You have come to the right place Our factsheets are produced in collaboration with John Hunter Children's Hospital. They provide information on diseases and conditions, treatments, tests and procedures, and the use of medical support equipment. All factsheets All factsheets east Disease or condition east Device or equipment east Safety east Test or procedure east Treatment east Alphabetical List A Abdominal organ injuries factsheet east Abdominal pain and stomach ache factsheet east Abusive head trauma factsheet east Adenoid removal (adenoidectomy) factsheet east Air travel with respiratory equipment factsheet east Allergic reactions and allergy tests factsheet east Ambulatory Blood Pressure (ABP) monitoring factsheet east Anorexia nervosa factsheet east Anterior knee pain factsheet east Anxiety and anxiety disorders factsheet east Appendicitis and appendectomy factsheet east Arterio-venous malformation (AVM) of the brain factsheet east Asthma devices factsheet east Asthma factsheet east Autism Spectrum Disorder factsheet east B Barium tests (swallow, meal, and enema) factsheet east Bedwetting factsheet east Bee, wasp and ant stings factsheet east Bi-level positive airway pressure therapy factsheet east Biliary atresia factsheet east Bilious vomiting factsheet east Blood tests and venepuncture factsheet east Blood transfusion factsheet east Bone cancers factsheet east Bone fracture factsheet east Bone Mineral Density (BMD) factsheet east Bone scan factsheet east Bony foot correction procedure factsheet east Bow-legs and knock knees factsheet east Brain and spinal cord cancers factsheet east Brain death factsheet east Breath-holding spells factsheet east Bronchiolitis factsheet east Burn injuries factsheet east Button battery safety factsheet east C Cancer surgery factsheet east Carbon monoxide poisoning factsheet east Cardiac catheterisation factsheet east Cardiac event monitoring factsheet east Catheterisation and supra pubic urine aspiration factsheet east Cerebral palsy factsheet east Chemotherapy factsheet east Chickenpox factsheet east Childhood obesity factsheet east Choking first aid factsheet east Chronic illness support factsheet east Chronic neonatal lung disease factsheet east Clubfoot (congenital talipes equinovarus) factsheet east Coarctation of the aorta (COA) factsheet east Coeliac disease factsheet east Colonoscopy factsheet east Common breastfeeding concerns factsheet east Common newborn concerns factsheet east Concussion and mild head injury factsheet east Congenital cataracts factsheet east Congenital heart disease - septal defects factsheet east Connective tissue dysplasia factsheet east Constipation factsheet east CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy factsheet east CPR for children over 12 months old east CPR for children with a tracheostomy tube (over 12 months) east CPR for infants under 12 months old east CPR for infants with a tracheostomy tube (under 12 months old) east CPVT (catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia) factsheet east Croup factsheet east Cryotherapy factsheet east CT scan factsheet east Cuffed tunnelled central venous catheter (CVC) factsheet east Curly toes factsheet east Cutaneous leishmaniasis factsheet east Cystic fibrosis factsheet east Cytomegalovirus factsheet east D Dairy allergy factsheet east Daytime wetting factsheet east Dega osteotomy factsheet east Dehydration in babies and children factsheet east Depression factsheet east Developmental delay factsheet east Developmental dysplasia of the hip factsheet east Diphtheria factsheet east DMSA kidney scan factsheet east Down syndrome factsheet east E Ear infections and glue ear factsheet east Ear microtia factsheet east Ear problems in children factsheet east Echocardiogram factsheet east Eczema factsheet east Egg allergy factsheet east Electrocardiogram (ECG) factsheet east Epidural factsheet east EpiPen® and anaphylaxis factsheet east Exercise testing factsheet east Expressing, handling and storage of breast milk Factsheet east Eye problems in children factsheet east F Facial nerve palsy factsheet east Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) factsheet east Febrile convulsion factsheet east Femoral derotation osteotomy factsheet east Fetal echocardiogram factsheet east Fever factsheet east Fibrous dysplasia factsheet east Flat feet factsheet east Functional single ventricle factsheet east Fundoplication procedure factsheet east G Gastroenteritis factsheet east Gastrostomy (G-tube) procedure factsheet east Gene therapy factsheet east General anaesthetic and surgery factsheet east General movements assessment factsheet east Germ cell tumours factsheet east Grommets procedure factsheet east H Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) factsheet east Hand hygiene for babies and children factsheet east Hardware removal procedure factsheet east Harmful insects (scorpions, centipedes, millipedes, and stink bugs) factsheet east Head lice and nits east Headaches in children factsheet east Hearing loss in children factsheet east Heat exhaustion and Heatstroke factsheet east Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) factsheet east Hepatitis A factsheet east Hepatitis B factsheet east Hepatitis C factsheet east High energy eating (children) factsheet east High energy eating (infants 6 – 12 months) factsheet east Hip abduction orthosis factsheet east Hip guided growth procedure factsheet east Hives (Urticaria) factsheet east Holter monitoring factsheet east Home oxygen therapy factsheet east House dust mite allergy factsheet east Household poisons and children factsheet east Human papillomavirus (HPV) factsheet east Humidified high flow nasal cannula (HHFNC) therapy factsheet east Hydroceles factsheet east Hydrocephalus factsheet east Hypoplastic left heart syndrome factsheet east Hypospadias factsheet east I Immunotherapy factsheet east Impetigo (school sores) factsheet east Indwelling urinary catheter (IDC) factsheet east Infant formula factsheet east Infantile haemangiomas Factsheet east Influenza factsheet east Inguinal hernia factsheet east Intellectual disability factsheet east Intoeing (pigeon toes) factsheet east Intravenous (IV) cannula factsheet east Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) factsheet east Invasive group A streptococcus factsheet east J Jaundice in newborn babies factsheet east Joint hypermobility factsheet east Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) factsheet east Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) factsheet east K Kawasaki disease factsheet east L Ladd’s procedure for malrotation and volvulus factsheet east Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) factsheet east Latex allergy factsheet east Lead exposure and poisoning factsheet east Leech therapy (hirudotherapy) factsheet east Leukaemia factsheet east Liver biopsy factsheet east Liver cancers factsheet east Living with a spinal cord injury factsheet east Localised Scleroderma factsheet east Long QT syndrome factsheet east Looking after yourself (parents and carers) factsheet east Lumbar puncture factsheet east Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus) factsheet east Lymphoma factsheet east M MAG3 renal scan factsheet east Mantoux skin test factsheet east Marine bites and stings factsheet east Measles factsheet east Medication adherence factsheet east Meningitis factsheet east Meningococcal infection factsheet east Micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG) factsheet east Midline catheter factsheet east Migraines in children factsheet east MRE Scan for Crohn's Disease factsheet east MRI scan factsheet east Multi-resistant organisms and antibiotics factsheet east Mumps factsheet east N Nappy rash factsheet east Nasogastric tube (NG tube) factsheet east Neural tube defects factsheet east Neuroblastoma factsheet east Neurogenic bladder factsheet east Neurogenic bowel factsheet east Nitrous oxide therapy factsheet east Non-tunnelled central venous catheter (CVC) factsheet east O OA/TOF - Extra nutrition support for children 6 months and older factsheet east OA/TOF - Nutrition for children over 1 year factsheet east OA/TOF - Oesophageal atresia and/or tracheo-oesophageal fistula factsheet east Obesity in adolescents - support for families factsheet east Obesity in children - support for families factsheet east Opioid (pain reliever) infusion factsheet east Organ and tissue donation factsheet east Osgood-Schlatter disease factsheet east P Pain factsheet east Parenteral nutrition factsheet east Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) factsheet east Patient and nurse controlled analgesia factsheet east Pavlik harness factsheet east Peanut allergy factsheet east Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) factsheet east Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) factsheet east Perthes disease factsheet east Phytophotodermatitis (margarita burn) east Pierre Robin syndrome factsheet east Plaster cast or backslab care instructions for patients and their carers factsheet east Pneumococcal disease factsheet east Pneumonia factsheet east Poisonous or harmful plants and children factsheet east Poliomyelitis (polio) factsheet east Port – Implantable venous access device factsheet east Positional plagiocephaly (flat head in babies) factsheet east Pressure injuries factsheet east R Radiotherapy factsheet east Reflux factsheet east Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) factsheet east Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) monoclonal antibody factsheet east Retinoblastoma factsheet east Rhabdoid tumours factsheet east Rhino brace factsheet east Rotavirus factsheet east Rubella factsheet east S Sarcoma factsheet east Scabies factsheet east Scoliosis factsheet east Seafood (fish, mollusc, and crustacean) allergy factsheet east Seizures and epilepsy factsheet east Sesame seed allergy factsheet east Settling a crying baby factsheet east Sever's disease factsheet east Signs of serious illness in children factsheet east Single-suture Craniosynostosis factsheet east Slapped cheek disease or fifth disease (Parvovirus) factsheet east Slide tracheoplasty factsheet east Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) factsheet east Small, high-powered magnets safety factsheet east Snake bites factsheet east Sore throat (pharyngitis) factsheet east Soy allergy factsheet east Spider bites factsheet east Spina bifida factsheet east Spina bifida – Spinal cord surgery factsheet east Spinal cord lipomas and lipomyelomeningoceles factsheet east Split tibialis anterior tendon transfer (SPLATT) factsheet east Stem cell transplant factsheet east Stoma closure factsheet east Stress fracture of the pars interarticularis factsheet east Stuttering factsheet east Sweat test for cystic fibrosis factsheet east Syndromic Craniosynostosis factsheet east Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA) factsheet east T Targeted therapy factsheet east Teeth and gum care factsheet east Tetanus (lockjaw) factsheet east Tethered cord syndrome factsheet east Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and Hypercyanotic Spells factsheet east Tick bites factsheet east Tonsillectomy factsheet east Tooth injuries in older children factsheet east Tracheal stenosis factsheet east Trans-gastric jejunal tube (G-J tube) factsheet east Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) factsheet east Tree nut allergy factsheet east Trichotillomania factsheet east Trigger thumb factsheet east Tube feeding factsheet east Tuberculosis (TB) factsheet east Type 1 diabetes factsheet east Type 2 diabetes factsheet east U Umbilical granuloma factsheet east Umbilical hernia factsheet east Uncuffed tunnelled central venous catheter factsheet east Undescended testes factsheet east Upper endoscopy factsheet east Urinary tract infection (UTI) factsheet east Uveitis in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) factsheet east V Varus derotation osteotomy (VDRO) factsheet east Vegetarian eating for children factsheet east Vesicostomy factsheet east Viral-induced wheeze factsheet east W Wet dressings for eczema factsheet east Wheelchairs factsheet east Whooping cough (pertussis) factsheet east Wilms tumours factsheet east Wounds in children factsheet east Wrist buckle fracture factsheet east