Rheumatology and coping with school

School is your ‘work’ and a very important part of your life. It gets you up and going, you can see your friends who can keep you on track with your schooling.

We encourage all children and young people to attend school, participate in extra-curricular and family activities and live life as normally as possible. Some young people may require a transition period back into their school routine, and your rheumatology team is a good resource for you to get set expectations on how you get back into school.

We recommend that families meet your school to discuss the diagnosis and the need to balance participation and accommodation. If you require support, your treatment team can provide a letter for you to give to the school to describe your child’s illness and their requirements. Most schools are quite responsive but if you require additional support, contact your treatment team for further support.

Some young people may need additional support to undertake classroom activities and examinations. In particular if you child’s illness affects their upper limbs, assessment from the physiotherapist or occupational therapist may assist the school in getting your child educational support services.

For example, in preparation for the NAPLAN examinations, if you find writing for long periods difficult, you may want to request extra time and rest periods.

Your school will probably require support documentation, so remember to ask your care team and liaise with the school counsellor.