Parent-led food challenges

We provide a medically-supervised environment so that parents can feel safe when introducing potentially allergic food.

This option is only available when recent tests have shown that your child is extremely unlikely to have an allergic reaction.

Please arrive at the clinic at 8:30am for orientation and an explanation of the food challenge.

Bring the food with you in an age-appropriate form (e.g. soft peanut butter for infant, or crushed nuts or nut paste for toddlers and preschoolers). 

Introducing the food

Perform introduction slowly over the course of 3-4 hours, by giving your child a small quantity of the food

Observe for symptoms of an allergic reaction (see ASCIA Green Allergy Plan or red Anaphylaxis Plan)

If no reaction has occurred after half an hour give double the amount

Double the dose ½ hourly to get to (depending on the food) 1 teaspoon, 100mls, ½ cup, 1 muffin or 1 slice of bread

If at any time, you feel that your child is having a reaction, please speak to one of the nurses or doctors in the clinic rooms to get assistance.

Food quantities

  • Nuts: 1/8 flat teaspoon
  • Egg: 1/8 flat teaspoon (ensure egg is fully cooked—boil for 4 minutes; scramble with no transparent white left)
  • Milk: 1/2 teaspoon
  • Baked food such as egg muffin or bread: 1/8 of a slice of bread equivalent

Continuing at home

If there is no reaction in the clinic, and your child is approved for continued challenges at home, give the same amount at home for 3 days.

If your child has no reaction to the food, then it is safe for them to include it in a normal diet.

If your child tolerates a food, it is important to introduce that food regularly into their diet, as this may protect against the future development of allergy to that food.

If they have a reaction, when symptoms settle, email the clinic or phone 93821003 to let us know.

In an emergency

Severe reactions to medicines are very rare if your child has tolerated the challenge dose in hospital.

If you are worried your child is having a severe reaction to the medicine, please call an ambulance (000) or present to your nearest Emergency Department without delay.

Last updated Monday 25th March 2024