Digital referrals

Digital referrals

We use digital referrals

The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network uses a digital referral system which increases efficiencies and improves the patient experience by allowing GPs, specialists, allied health professionals and primary care providers to send e-referrals to us securely. You can send referrals to our departments electronically and track them in real time.

To implement digital referrals, we have partnered with Australian health technology company, Consultmed. Consultmed offers a streamlined way to refer patients to SCHN for specialist advice and management. 

How to send and manage new referrals

Log into Consultmed

If you have already created a user account on Consultmed, you can log in to send referrals or manage exisitng ones.

Log in using your Username (email address) and Password. Select ‘Forgot Password’ if you are unable to remember your password. You will receive an email prompting you to create a new password.

Log into Consultmed

Start a new referral

After selecting ‘+ New Referral’ on your Dashboard.

Select where the referral is going

A secure referral may be sent to a participating Hospital, Department, Specialist Clinic or Consultant.

Select the patient you would like to refer

This may be a pre-existing patient or you can add a new patient by selecting ‘+ New Patient’. Patient details will be saved automatically.

Enter the patient’s personal details, clinical details and reason for referral. Add any additional documents (e.g. imaging).

Customise the referral period and enable tracking by Indicating whether the patient/carer would like a secure copy of the referral and status updates via email.

Submit the referral

Once all the details for the referral are completed, you can submit the referral by selecting ‘Submit’.

To view all previous referrals, select the ‘Sent Referrals’ folder.

Don't have an account?

If you haven't sent a referral using Consultmed before, you will need to create a user account via their website.

The details that you provide when creating this account will be used to send and manage future digital referrals. Multiple places of practice may be added per healthcare provider. You can navigate between practices to view corresponding referrals.

Create a Consultmed account

Why do we use digital referrals?



The storage and transmission of digital referrals adhere to the highest cybersecurity standards, offering greater patient privacy than email and fax.



Digital referrals are directed to the relevant Hospital service instantaneously. Additionally, patients and their clinicians can monitor the progression of a referral in real time, minimising the need for manual follow-up.



Any relevant patient details including clinical notes, medical imaging or pathology results remain attached to their digital referral, saving time for clinicians, administrators and patients.


Our digital referral platform provides a reliable and sophisticated direct line of communication between a patient's referring clinician and clinicians at our hospitals. Clinicians have the ability to receive Advice & Guidance regarding their referral once it is actioned by the receiving team.

More information and support



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The Consultmed platform provides a centralised, web-based platform where staff can easily refer patients to specialists, electronically and securely.
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