Factsheets (Safety) You have come to the right place Our factsheets are produced in collaboration with John Hunter New England Children's Hospital. They provide information on diseases and conditions, treatments, tests and procedures, and the use of medical support equipment. Safety All factsheets east Disease or condition east Device or equipment east Test or procedure east Treatment east Alphabetical List B Button battery safety factsheet east C Carbon monoxide poisoning factsheet east Choking first aid factsheet east CPR for children over 12 months old east CPR for children with a tracheostomy tube (over 12 months) east CPR for infants under 12 months old east CPR for infants with a tracheostomy tube (under 12 months old) east E Expressing, handling and storage of breast milk Factsheet east H Hand hygiene for babies and children factsheet east Household poisons and children factsheet east L Lead exposure and poisoning factsheet east M Marine bites and stings factsheet east P Poisonous or harmful plants and children factsheet east S Small, high-powered magnets safety factsheet east Snake bites factsheet east Spider bites factsheet east T Teeth and gum care factsheet east