Fever factsheet
Your child’s body temperature can change depending on a range of different things like:
- age
- time of day
- emotions
- whether they are awake or asleep
- how much they have been moving around
- illness.
The average body temperature in children is between 36.5 and 38oC. A fever is when body temperature is over 38oC.
Fever can mean that your child’s body is fighting off illness or infection. The immune system raises body temperature to help the body work faster to fight illness and to make it harder for bacteria and viruses to live.
Fever is very common in children as they are at a higher risk of illness and infection.
Fever can be serious if it:
- lasts longer than three days without going down
- is high in a baby under three months old
- causes a seizure.
Seizures caused by fever are called febrile seizures. They happen when fever disrupts your child’s regular brain activity.
Signs and symptoms
A fever is usually found by checking your child’s body temperature.
You can do this by placing your hand on their forehead to see if they feel hot before confirming their temperature using a thermometer.
Your child may also have symptoms like:
- sweating
- shivering
- shaking
- chattering their teeth
- flushing in the face
- generally looking unwell.
Take your child to your local doctor or emergency department as soon as possible if they have a high fever and they:
- are under three months old
- have a bulging fontanelle, the soft spot on a baby’s head
- have a chronic illness
- are undergoing treatment, like chemotherapy
- are in pain
- have difficulty swallowing
- are struggling to breathe properly
- develop a rash
- have stiffness in the neck
- are vomiting
- have sensitivity to light
- are unusually tired and irritable
- have had a fever for longer than three days
- have travelled overseas recently
- have had contact with someone sick with a severe infection or illness.
Always speak to your doctor if you are not sure.
The doctor or nurse will use a thermometer to check your child’s temperature. They may also do some tests to find out what is causing the fever.
Tests can include a:
- physical examination
- blood test
- urine test
- swab of the nose and throat.
Your child’s doctor will let you know if the fever can be managed at home or whether you need to go to the hospital.
Mild fevers caused by a virus can usually be treated at home.
You can use over-the-counter medications to help your child feel better if they are uncomfortable and irritable and are not allergic:
- paracetamol can be used for children over one month old
- ibuprofen can be used for children over three months old
- never give your child aspirin unless your doctor has told you to.
Read the instructions on the package closely for information about:
- how much to give, based on your child’s weight
- how often to give the medication
- the maximum amount you can give in 24 hours.
You can also dress your child in light, cool clothing and encourage them to:
- get lots of rest
- drink plenty of fluids
- avoid drinks that have sugar and caffeine
- use a wet washcloth to cool down, rather than having a bath or shower.
Viral illnesses usually improve on their own. If your child does not improve or worsens, speak to your local doctor.
Bacterial infections may be treated with antibiotics, which are given by your child’s doctor. Antibiotics are medications that kill off harmful, illness-causing bacteria.
Taking your child’s temperature
Taking a child’s temperature can be challenging when they are unsettled.
Digital ear and forehead thermometers may be easy to use but are not always accurate.
A digital probe thermometer is the best type to use.
Temperature can be taken:
- by mouth, placing the thermometer tip gently under the tongue until it beeps
- under the armpit placing the thermometer tip gently under the armpit until it beeps.
Clean the thermometer using warm, soapy water or alcohol-based sanitiser between each use.
Taking temperature from the rectum is not recommended as there is a risk of injury, and it can be distressing for your child.
Temperature taken from the rectum can be difficult and distressing for children. There is also a risk of damage to the rectum if your child is moving around too much while you try to take their temperature.
Most children do not like having their temperature taken. You can support them by:
- giving lots of comfort
- explaining what you are doing in simple words
- giving them lots of praise after you are finished.
When to seek help
Go to your nearest emergency department, or call triple zero (000) for an ambulance if your child has a high fever and:
- has a seizure for the first time
- is having trouble breathing
- is blue around the lips.