Neurogenetics clinical resources

Neurofibromatosis Type 1 review guidelines

Annual review recommended. 

All children with possible NF1 should be initially reviewed in a Genetics or Neurogenetics Clinic to confirm the diagnosis of NF1. 

All children and adults should have their NF reviewed annually by their GP or General Paediatrician.Children who have significant complications associated with NF1 can be referred to the CHW paediatric Neurofibromatosis Clinic by their General Paediatrician, Neurologist or Cinical Geneticist.

Patients, paediatricians and GPs can contact the Neurofibromatosis Clinic Nurse for NF-related concerns.

Children under 4 years of age need to be reviewed 6-monthly by a paediatric ophthalmologist. Children 4-10 years of age should be seen annually.

 Children over 10 years of age and adults should have 3-5 yearly ophthalmology examinations or as directed by ophthalmologist.

Open the guidelines and checklist to complete a review.