Model scopes: in consultation

Prior to reviewing the draft model scopes of clinical practice, please click this link to read the Preamble and Explanatory Notes.

We would welcome your feedback on the following aspects of each draft model SoCP below:

  • Core: Is the Core SoCP a reasonable description of the type of work that can reasonably be expected to be undertaken by all practitioners in the specialty? If not, what do you suggest?
  • Specific: Does the Specific SoCP appropriately reflect procedures or practices which require specific credentialing for safe and effective performance, but which are within the practice of the relevant specialty?  If not, what do you suggest?
  • Useability: Do you expect the Core and Specific descriptions to be useful in a medical appointments and credentialing process? If not, what do you suggest?
  • Potential Implications: Are there any foreseeable adverse implications which may arise from the description of the Core and Specific section of each model SoCP, for example, for workforce or operational matters? If so, please outline your concerns.

Comments can be directed to the State Scope of Clinical Practice Unit on or tel (02) 9887 5674.   

Draft Model Scopes for consultation

All model scopes of clinical practice for specialties registered with the Medical Board of Australia and Dental Board of Australia have completed initial consultation.  Unless there are new specialties registered, there will be no more model scopes for consultation.

Draft Model Scopes under review after consultation:

  • General Practice
  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Urology
