Volunteer at Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick

Volunteer information

Make sure you have read all the necessary requirements needed for volunteers at our hospitals. See our volunteer information on our become a volunteer page.

Become a volunteer

Volunteers are an integral part of life at Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick. Volunteers assist in many areas of the Hospital, relieving the pressure on staff by keeping patients entertained with different activities or just by having a chat with them and their families.

The loyalty and dedication of the Hospital’s volunteers is inspiring and many of them have extensive experience within the Hospital. We are very fortunate to be supported by a generous and committed community.

Due to the high level of interest (we love that!) there is a 12 month wait time for some roles.

The application process is lengthy and involves a number of steps, so please be patient when waiting for a response from us. If you are selected we'll contact you for an interview, otherwise we ask you to re-register your interest again in six months.

Explore the hospital volunteer program

Weekday program

Clerical and administrative assistance

As you can imagine, departments supporting our medical and clinical staff get very busy and clerical and administrative assistance to one of these areas is greatly appreciated.  

Commitment: Minimum of one three-hour shift per week.

Ward helpers

We encourage parents to spend as much time as they can with their sick children. However, there are times when this is not always possible.  Volunteers can play an important role in the care of our young patients by spending time with them, either reading to them, playing a game or just comforting them. For those parents who do stay at the Hospital, they sometimes need a break so that they can phone relatives, shop, take a shower, etc.  For these parents, it is comforting to know that a ward helper is there to look after their child.

Commitment: Minimum of one three-hour shift per week.

Child life and music therapy department

The Hospital is fortunate to have a team of Child Life and Music Therapists who visit the wards daily to bring distraction activities to the children.  The Child Life and Music Therapists are very busy assisting patient and their families, and volunteers greatly assist them to make sure all the children have activities to do on a daily basis.  There are limited vacancies for volunteers in the Child Life and Music Therapy Department.

Commitment: Minimum of one three-hour shift per week.

Ward grandparents

From time to time we have patients at the Hospital that come from outside the Sydney metropolitan area or even interstate.   Quite often it is difficult for the parents to be with the child due to distance, work commitments or the care of other children in the family, so a ward grandparent is assigned to a child for the duration of their stay - which can be for a number days, weeks or months. Ward Grandparents are assigned to patients after consultation with the family, the doctor and the patient’s Social Worker.

Commitment:  Minimum of two weekdays per week or a Saturday or Sunday.

Adolescent Ward companions

Volunteers are required to assist in the Adolescent Ward of the Hospital.  The Adolescent Ward has a mix of male and female patients ranging in ages from 10 to 17 years with a variety of illnesses and conditions.   

Commitment: Minimum of one three-hour shift per week.

Meet and greet host/ess

The Hospital’s Meet and Greet Host/esses are located at the Enquiries Counter in the Hospital’s front foyer and assist families and visitors to find their way around the Hospital.  

Commitment: Minimum of one three-hour shift per week.


Weekend play services program

The program involves teams of two to four volunteers per ward providing play services during two shifts on the weekends. These shifts are 9.00 am - 12 midday on Saturdays and 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm on Sundays. The program requires volunteers to deliver arts, crafts, games and toys to children and families on the ward, either in the play room or by the bedside.

Commitment: Minimum of one three-hour shift per fortnight

Become a Hospital Volunteer

Before completing and returning your volunteer application, please take the time to really think it through as this means a commitment on a regular basis. The staff and patients depend on the volunteers. They are a very important part of hospital life.

All volunteers are required to complete online mandatory training modules, orientation and annual fire training.

To apply for a volunteer position at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick you should complete and return volunteer application form via email to: Jessica.Cooper@health.nsw.gov.au

Download application form

Become a Palliative Care Family Support Volunteer

Palliative Care Family Support Volunteers work off-site from the Hospital, visiting a family at home. They support families who have children with life-limiting illnesses.

The volunteer role can differ depending on the family needs and can include playing with unwell children or their siblings, helping with outings to the shops or park, providing light practical assistance around the house or garden or being a listening ear in a time of need.

Family Support volunteers need to have a positive and flexible attitude, be emotionally mature and have an openness to diverse cultures, religions and backgrounds.

Commitment: Volunteers need to be able to commit to up to four hours per week, on weekdays between 9am and 5pm. A full driving license and access to a car (petrol costs are reimbursed) is required. We offer comprehensive training and continuing support to all our volunteers.

As our patients can live in many different areas of Sydney, we also need volunteers that are happy to travel to and/or live in a variety of suburbs.  Examples of areas needed would be Hurstville, Padstow, Revesby, Liverpool, Bankstown, Heathcote/Engadine, North Shore, Campbelltown and Roselands. However, we are not limited to these suburbs alone.

Please email Sarah Potter on Sarah.Potter@health.nsw.gov.au or call (02) 9845 2275 for further information.