Brain injury, Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick
Enquiries: (02) 9382 1590
Appointments: (02) 9382 0178
Location: Level 2 of the Ainsworth Building (South West Wing), Sydney Children's Hospital, High Street, Randwick
About our service
The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program (BIRP) is part of Rehab2Kids and provides an inpatient, day rehabilitation and outpatient service to children and young people who have an acquired brain injury.
The BIRP team works with children from the acute phase of their injury through rehabilitation and transition from hospital to home.
While longer term intervention may be provided by local services (closer to your home), our team is available to provide specialist support and education to therapy teams across the state.
Referral information and eligibility criteria
This service is a part of Rehab2Kids, Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick.
See Rehab2Kids for referral and eligibility information.
Clinic information
Brain Injury Clinic
The Brain Injury Clinics are typically held on Tuesdays and Thursdays offering a team-based approach to assessment and rehabilitation planning.
A follow up appointment will be arranged approximately 6-8 weeks after your child returns home from hospital. Regular follow up with our team may be offered through our outpatient service.
Patients referred as an outpatient will also be seen.
Early Injury Pathway
The Early Injury Pathway (EIP) is a part of the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program (BIRP). It was developed to help monitor children following an early brain injury.
The pathway provides regular monitoring and review of your child’s development and therapy needs. Assessments will be completed at specific time points to assess your child's progress and development.
Concussion/ mild traumatic brain injury (TBI)
The Rehab2Kids team sees patients who have sustained a concussion and have ongoing symptoms (post 3-4 weeks). See the mildTBI/concussion factsheet below.
Resources and links
- Kids health hub safety and injury prevention (opens in a new tab)
- NSW Brain Injury Rehabilitation Network (opens in a new tab)
- Synapse, Australia's brain injury organisation (opens in a new tab)
- Stroke Foundation (opens in a new tab)
- icare, caring for people severely injured on the road (opens in a new tab)