Ear nose and throat (ENT), Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick


Phone: (02) 9382 1470

Email: SCHN-SCH-OPD@health.nsw.gov.au

Location: Outpatients department, level 0

About our service

The Ear Nose and Throat department is a specialist service that cares for children with highly complex medical and surgical needs. We provide consultative, diagnostic and therapeutic services in ENT and head and neck surgery.  

The team supports two Aboriginal medical service centres in Redfern and La Perouse and provide an outreach ENT clinic for Aboriginal patients in the local catchment area.

Referral process for clinicians

Our department is using Consultmed to manage referrals. The Consultmed platform allows health professionals to send e-referrals to us securely.   

Consultmed questions and technical support: helpdesk@consultmed.co

For more information on referring patients to local ENT services, see Health Pathways.

Referral and appointment process for parents and carers

Request a referral

To make an appointment at our clinic, you will need a referral from your GP, paediatrician or specialist. 

They will assess your child, discuss your concerns, and make a referral to the appropriate service.  

The ENT outpatient clinic accepts referrals for patients who reside in the local area. Exceptions can be made for patients outside the area if they require care from our service.

Not all ENT referrals need to go to our specialists; many can be handled by your doctor or local ENT service. Due to high demand, we prioritise referrals according to NSW state-wide referral criteria. We will only accept those that meet our criteria or are within our local area.


Track your referral

Our department uses Consultmed to manage referrals. Your referring clinician sends the e-referral to us using the secure Consultmed platform.  

Once we receive the referral, we will send you an email with your tracking information. We will update you as we process the referral and book your appointment. 

To receive these updates, please ask your referring clinician to include your email on the referral.  

If your clinician has questions about Consultmed or require technical support, they can contact helpdesk@consultmed.co.  

Need support?

If you need help or have questions about the referral and appointment process, please contact us.  

Phone: (02) 9382 1470

Email: SCHN-SCH-OPD@health.nsw.gov.au

Clinic information

Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology) clinic

Consultative service, diagnostic and therapeutic in Ears, Nose and Throat ( ENT ) and head and neck surgery.

Appointment to private consulting rooms are made by telephoning individual ENT surgeon's rooms.

  • Clinic name: ENT - Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology)
  • Service name: Ear Nose and Throat ( ENT ) Surgery - Otolaryngology
  • Location: Outpatients,  Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick
  • Appointments: (02) 9382 1470

Aboriginal Medical Centre Redfern

  • Service name: Ear Nose and Throat ( ENT ) Surgery - Otolaryngology
  • Location: Aboriginal Medical Centre - Redfern 
  • Appointments: (02) 9319 5823

La Perouse Aboriginal Community Health Centre

  • Service name: Community Child Health 
  • Location: La Perouse Aboriginal Community Health Centre, 1 Elaroo Avenue, La Perouse 2036
  • Appointments: (02) 8347 4800

Pre-surgery information

Before your child's planned surgery we will call you for a wellness check. We will ask if your child has any cold or flu like symptoms, or if they are in close contact with someone who is sick. 

We will ask about symptoms such as fevers, a blocked or runny nose, sore throat, coughing, sneezing or wheeze, vomiting or diarrhoea, ear pain, or feeling lethargic.

Please let us know if your child is or has been sick.

Children who are unwell at the time of surgery have poorer recovery and longer stays in hospital.

Patient and family support

A smiling Aboriginal family.
Our Aboriginal Hospital Liaison and Education officers play an important role in the care and welfare of and advocacy for Aboriginal patients and families, helping ensure a responsive and respectful patient journey.
A young girl sits on her mother's lap on a hostpital bed.
We can arrange a free interpreter for you. Interpreters are available for over 50 languages. Tell us which language you speak when your child is admitted, or let your nurse know.
A mother sits with her baby at a laptop.
Virtual care, previously known as telehealth, allows patients. their families and carers to access healthcare services without leaving their home or community.