Investigations and medication

The following investigations are recommended for any IBD patient experiencing a flare of their disease:

  • Blood tests: full blood count, electrolytes/urea/creatinine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, liver function tests, CRP and ESR, iron studies and azathioprine metabolites (if on this medication)
  • Stool tests: faecal calprotectin, faecal microscopy, faecal culture, PCR and sensitivity, faecal C.difficile PCR

If these are completed locally by the patient’s GP please ensure a copy of the results is emailed to your treating clinic: 


  • Your child needs to continue to take their prescribed medicine. It's important to have an adequate supply.
  • Please organise all external scripts with your GP being aware there may be a delay in GP appointments.
  • Scripts that are dispensed through the Hospital pharmacy, such as Methotrexate injections or Liquid Sulfasalazine/Azathioprine, will require at least one week’s notice.
  • Maintenance medications used in IBD take many months to leave the body, thus stopping these will not help in the short term. Stopping them may increase the risk of flare.


Biological therapies are generally safe and at present, we do not recommend stopping these. The effects of these medications also remain in the body for months. Stopping these medications may increase the risk of flare.

Last updated Monday 18th December 2023