Medical imaging, The Children's Hospital at Westmead


Phone: (02) 7825 2931


Location: Level 2, The Children's Hospital at Westmead. 

About our service

Medical imaging, also known as radiology or diagnostic imaging, uses non-invasive imaging methods to help doctors to diagnose and treat your child’s illness.

We use X-rays, CT scan (CAT scan or Computed Tomography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and ultrasound to produce images of the body. We interpret the images and send the report to your child’s doctor.

We're skilled at addressing your child's needs; our child-friendly waiting room has plenty of toys to entertain, and our technicians are savvy with the scared, the squirmy, and the very sick.

Our radiologists undertake specific training in the diagnosis of children’s illness and have the know-how to obtain the best diagnostic images.

Appointment information

Appointments are required for the following services:

  • Fluoroscopy: (02) 7825 2931
  • MRI: (02) 7825 2385
  • CT scans: (02) 7825 1244
  • Ultrasound: (02) 7825 2908
  • Interventional studies: (02) 7825 2931 

Xrays: 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday (no appointment necessary)

After hours services are available for emergencies

Directions to medical imaging

The department is on level 2 of the Hospital. Find us by following these directions:

  • enter through the main Hospital entrance doors (level 2, Diagnostics building)
  • walk past Starbucks Cafe on your right until you see the chemist your left.
  • turn left at the chemist and follow the corridor.
  • cross over the glass walkway into the Medical Imaging Department.

Patient and family support

A smiling Aboriginal family.
Our Aboriginal Hospital Liaison and Education officers play an important role in the care and welfare of and advocacy for Aboriginal patients and families, helping ensure a responsive and respectful patient journey.
A young girl sits on her mother's lap on a hostpital bed.
We can arrange a free interpreter for you. Interpreters are available for over 50 languages. Tell us which language you speak when your child is admitted, or let your nurse know.
A mother holds her baby as she uses her smartphone.
The Cartula Health app helps manage and inform you about your healthcare journey at the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network. You can organise your appointments and hospital documents all in one place!