virtualKIDS, Sydney Children's Hospitals Network


virtualKIDS is Australia’s first paediatric-specific virtual healthcare service, helping families across NSW.

virtualKIDS is a 24/7 nurse-led virtual care service offering remote clinical advice, education and support to NSW families, helping guide them to the right care, at the right place, at the right time.

The virtualKIDS service aims to:

  • improve the experience of patients and families navigating the health system
  • save on travel costs and time for families
  • improve support for local care providers, helping deliver care closer to home for families.

How the service works

virtualKIDS safely connects patients with health professionals to deliver care when and where it is needed with a range of services via phone, video conferencing or remote monitoring, and allows clinical information to be stored or sent electronically.  

Patients may be referred to virtualKIDS from several sources and will be enrolled into an appropriate model of virtual care according to their level of need. 

Services offered

Urgent Care service

virtualKIDS Urgent Care Service (UCS) is a virtual healthcare service for babies, children and young people who have urgent, unplanned health needs. 

The service is delivered by a team of NSW Health specialist paediatric nurses and doctors who safely assess and provide treatment through video consultations.

virtualKIDS UCS is designed specifically to provide urgent care for children aged up to 16 years (and their families/carers) who are located in NSW and in some border areas.

It enables families to access care faster and avoid unnecessary trips to hospital by assessing the child and determining the best care pathway and care provider based on individual needs. 

Clinicians can provide information for safe treatment and self-care at home, arrange a consultation with a virtualKIDS expert paediatrician, or refer the child to their local GP or urgent care centre. 

The virtualKIDS team will determine when Emergency Department care is required and can arrange an Ambulance if required.

Access to virtualKIDS UCS is by calling Healthdirect on 1800 022 222. 

The Healthdirect nurse will help decide if virtualKIDS is the right way to get care for your child depending on your situation. 

Acute Review support

virtualKIDS Acute Review (VKAR) service supports patients transitioning from hospital admission or following an ED presentation due to an acute respiratory and/or viral illness.

Providing a 24/7 clinical support to patients and their carers for up to 72 hours, the service helps facilitate earlier and safe discharge from an ED or paediatric ward with support provided to families during the acute phase of their child’s illness. 

A referral to VKAR will be given to you by the emergency or ward doctor if your child is suitable for  this service.

Audio-visual consultation is provided to monitor the children referred to evaluate their progress at home, with clinical support provided, including respiratory assessment, fever management and hydration assessment.

Contact information

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Contact HealthDirect

Phone1800 022 222
For interpreter support, call TIS National on 131 450 and ask to be transferred to Healthdirect on 1800 022 222.
Interpreter services are provided free of charge.
Related Links

Looking for Virtual Care instead?

This page provides information on virtualKIDS consultations. 

For information on other virtual services such as telehealth and video consultations, visit the Virtual Care page.