Weight management, The Children's Hospital at Westmead


CHOOSe Health program: (02) 7825 3763

Nutrition and dietetics management program: (02) 7825 2225

About our service

Weight management is a long-term approach to a healthy lifestyle. It includes a balance of healthy eating and physical exercise.

Our weight management service provides clinical services for severely obese children and adolescents at a tertiary and quaternary level of care.

We also provide health professional training programs on the assessment and management of paediatric overweight and obesity. 

Referral process for clinicians

Our department is using Consultmed to manage referrals. The Consultmed platform allows health professionals to send e-referrals to us securely.   

Consultmed questions and technical support: helpdesk@consultmed.co

Referral and appointment process for parents and carers

Request a referral

To make an appointment at our clinic, you will need a referral from your GP, paediatrician or specialist. 

They will assess your child, discuss your concerns, and make a referral to the appropriate service.  

Track your referral

Our department uses Consultmed to manage referrals. Your referring clinician sends the e-referral to us using the secure Consultmed platform.  

Once we receive the referral, we will send you an email with your tracking information. We will update you as we process the referral and book your appointment. 

To receive these updates, please ask your referring clinician to include your email on the referral.  

If your clinician has questions about Consultmed or require technical support, they can contact helpdesk@consultmed.co.  

Need support?

If you need help or have questions about the referral and appointment process, please contact us.

CHOOSe Health program: (02) 7825 3763

Nutrition and dietetics management program: (02) 7825 2225

Our programs

CHOOSe program

The CHOOSe program offers 12 appointments over four to six months and is available to families with children who have a severe weight problem. The family and caregivers are involved in a multidisciplinary approach to weight management. 

Families are offered one of three pathways:

  1. An intensive weight management program, including parent education sessions and multi-disciplinary clinic appointment sessions.
  2. A single medical consultation - with referral back to local paediatrician with recommendations. This is suitable for families living outside the Sydney Metropolitan Area.
  3. Clinic appointments with an interpreter - three appointments over six weeks then review (for non-English speaking families). 

Referral criteria: 

  • Ages 2 to 16 years
  • BMI > 30 or BMI Z-score > 2.5 or lower if obesity related co-morbidities
  • Referral letter from a paediatrician, addressed to Professor Louise Baur or Dr Shirley Alexander. The letter must include height and weight, pathology or test results, relevant family history and contact details of the family. 

Location: The Children's Hospital Medical Centre Staff Specialist Rooms, Suite 16 Level 2, Hainsworth Street, Westmead

Phone: : (02) 7825 3763

Program days: Monday mornings

The team:

  • clinical nurse consultant
  • clinical psychologist
  • dieticians 
  • enrolled nurse
  • paediatricians
  • physiotherapist

Nutrition and dietetics management program

The program accepts referrals from internal hospital specialists and paediatrician referrals with admission rights for high risk patients. 

Referral criteria: 

  • Children and adolescents aged 0-16 years
  • BMI for age standard deviation score > 1.5-2.5

Location: The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ground Floor, The Children's Hospital at Westmead

Phone: (02) 7825 2225

Program days: Every Tuesday

Our research

We engage with clinical and research collaborators locally, nationally, and globally, and study the causes, consequences, treatment, and prevention of child and adolescent obesity.

Patient and family support

A smiling Aboriginal family.
Our Aboriginal Hospital Liaison and Education officers play an important role in the care and welfare of and advocacy for Aboriginal patients and families, helping ensure a responsive and respectful patient journey.
A young girl sits on her mother's lap on a hostpital bed.
We can arrange a free interpreter for you. Interpreters are available for over 50 languages. Tell us which language you speak when your child is admitted, or let your nurse know.
A mother holds her baby as she uses her smartphone.
The Cartula Health app helps manage and inform you about your healthcare journey at the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network. You can organise your appointments and hospital documents all in one place!