Strategic plans | PEACH

The Providing Enhanced ACcess to Health Services (PEACH) project is a 3-year project (2021-2024) funded by the Ministry of Health Paediatric Priority Populations Grant Initiative. The project focuses on 3 main objectives:

  1. The active identification of children and young people from priority populations, ensuring we know who these patients are and that this is recorded within our systems
  2. Earlier access to our services through prioritisation and the provision of enhanced care to ensure priority populations are getting the appropriate care, for example assertive follow up and linking to support workers
  3. Ensuring cultural change and equity 

The project uses SCHN eMR data and consumer co-designed solution ideas to drive changes across IT systems, processes and ways of working relating to identification of priority populations, prioritization and earlier and enhanced care.

Want to learn more?

We welcome any questions, comments or staff wanting to learn more about PEACH. 
