
Lodging your claim online through Vmoney

The VeriSign VIP authentication process is no longer required to log in to the VMoney Web system. This is replaced with a security code sent via text message and/or email to a registered mobile phone and email account. Please read the FAQ factsheet for further information and instructions.

VMoney Web (VMoney) is an internet (web) based system which enables Visiting Medical Officers (VMOs) and Visiting Dental Officers (VDOs) to submit claims for payment online. VMoney will be used throughout NSW Health to process VMO/VDO payments. The paper-based system will gradually be phased out as VMO/VDOs are transferred onto VMoney.

VMoney enables VMO/VDOs or their delegates (such as business/administration managers) to log hours, duties, and procedures undertaken so that appropriate payment can be made. VMoney will improve the ability to monitor the status of claims and track payments made to VMOs.

Factsheet - Vmoney for SCHN VMOs

How do I get started?

  • In order to proceed with Vmoney Web, you must first be granted access from NSW Healthshare Services. You must organise with the Workforce Services to request access on your behalf.
  • Once you have been setup on Vmoney Web, you are no longer able to submit paper claims
  • Workforce Services/Systems Administrator - (02) 7825 3538
  • For all other Vmoney system enquiries please contact Vmoney Web Hotline on 1300 883 962

User Guide - VMoney Set-Up

Training Guides and ELearning Tools:

To help you further, SCHN has produced and customised several user guides which provide step by step instructions for the major functions within the VMoney Application