Emergency Department, Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick


Phone: (02) 9382 1111

Location: High Street, Randwick

Find us on this Google map

About our service

We provide emergency care for children from birth until they turn 16 years old. Once they reach 16, they should seek emergency care at an adult hospital.

The emergency department is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Its team of expert healthcare professionals cares for children suffering from serious injury or illness.

The best place for your child’s regular care is with their GP, paediatrician or other health care provider. If your child is experiencing general health complaints such as a cough or sore throat or needs a general health check-up, we encourage you to see your local healthcare provider closer to home.

If you think your child’s condition is immediately urgent, please call 000 for an ambulance.

Visit NSW Health's Emergency Department website to find your local Emergency Department.

Important information

Deciding when to come to Emergency

You know your child best

You know when your child is getting sick by changes in their mood, behaviour, activity and appetite.

If your child is only mildly unwell, think about waiting to see if the illness worsens before seeing a doctor.  

If you are worried about your child, you should take them to a doctor. Your local doctor is the first doctor to contact.

Your local Emergency Department is always available if your child needs urgent care.

Seriously ill children can:

  • become unwell quickly
  • have difficulty breathing
  • be pale in the face
  • be blue around the lips
  • be unusually inactive or sleepy
  • have a rash that does not fade or go away when pressed
  • have fits or convulsions

Please get help quickly if these symptoms develop rapidly, occur together, or if your child is very young.

Directions to Emergency

Where to park

Undercover paid parking is available at the rear of the hospital. Enter via Barker Street.

Some nearby street parking is available for short stays.

Arriving at the Emergency Department

The Emergency Department is located on High Street, Randwick.

Undercover paid parking is available at the rear of the hospital. Enter via Barker Street. Some nearby street parking is available for short stays.

When you arrive:

  • Come to the front desk, where a clerk and the triage nurse will see you.
  • The clerk will need to take a record of your child’s details.
  • The triage nurse will ask for information on your child’s injury or illness and do a simple assessment.

Based on your child’s symptoms, medical history and condition, the triage nurse will decide how urgently your child needs to be seen by a healthcare professional. 

In the waiting room

The most seriously ill and critically injured children will always be seen first.

Even when the waiting room isn’t full, we may be busy caring for children requiring lifesaving and critical care.

Sometimes children who arrive after you are seen before you. This may include children with minor illnesses and injuries treated in a separate emergency department area.

Our team works hard to help everyone as quickly as possible. Waiting can be stressful and frustrating, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

While you are waiting, we will care for your child. For some children, we will be able to start treatment. This may include having an x-ray, giving fluids, collecting urine samples, or treating pain.

If you are worried your child is getting sicker or experiencing more pain while waiting, please tell us. 

Please tell us if you decide to go home before seeing a doctor. 

  • We want to check to make sure your child is well enough to go. We may be able to offer advice.

Please ask if you need more information or if we haven’t explained this clearly. It’s always ok to talk to one of our team.

In the assessment area

When your child’s name is called, you will be taken to an assessment area to be seen by one of the Emergency Department staff.

We will ask for information about your child’s symptoms and medical history.

We may need to:

  • arrange some tests for your child, such as a blood test or x-ray
  • monitor or watch your child for some time.
  • ask specialist doctors and nurses from other areas of the Hospital to come to see your child.

Are you worried your child is getting worse?

You know your child best. If you’re worried your child is getting worse, we will start our ED CARE process.  

ED CARE is a system that enables patients, parents and carers to raise these concerns while in the Emergency Department at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick.

The ED CARE steps to follow are:

  1. Tell a staff member you are worried and a nurse will review your child.
  2. If you are still worried? The Nurse in charge will assess your child.
  3. If you are still worried? The Senior Doctor and Nurse in charge will review your child together.
  4. If you are still worried? The Hospital Coordinator will attend and provide further support.

We will listen and respond.

ED CARE translations

Before you go home

Please tell us if you are worried that your child is not well enough to leave.

Before you leave, please be sure that you understand:

  • your child’s diagnosis
  • what you should expect to happen at home
  • how to manage your child’s illness or injury at home
  • medications or other treatments that your child needs
  • where to go if you need more care.

We want to be sure that we have helped you and your child.


Patient and family support

A smiling Aboriginal family.
Our Aboriginal Hospital Liaison and Education officers play an important role in the care and welfare of and advocacy for Aboriginal patients and families, helping ensure a responsive and respectful patient journey.
A young girl sits on her mother's lap on a hostpital bed.
We can arrange a free interpreter for you. Interpreters are available for over 50 languages. Tell us which language you speak when your child is admitted, or let your nurse know.
A mother sits with her baby at a laptop.
Virtual care, previously known as telehealth, allows patients. their families and carers to access healthcare services without leaving their home or community.