Family and patient partnerships

Partners in healthcare

Involving patients and families in health care improves outcomes for everyone. The Sydney Children's Hospital Network (SCHN) is committed to working with our patients and families in all that we do.

Your ideas and feedback help make positive change to our services. We want to partner with you to improve communication, create stronger relationships and support collaboration between patients, families, carers and staff.

Contact the Patient and Family Engagement team

For more details on getting involved, contact us via email.


Making your experience better

We are always looking to improve your experience and have a number of projects in the works including:

  • community gardens
  • upgrades to parent accommodation on the wards
  • sibling support program
  • improved facilities for bereaved families,
  • increased use of patients and families in educational material 
  • more language translation of posters and signage.

The Bureau of Health Information (BHI)

The BHI is a government organisation that produces independent reports and information about the performance of the NSW healthcare system.

The information is used to strengthen accountability and support system-wide and local improvements in patients’ healthcare experiences and outcomes. 

Public reporting of this information enhances transparency and understanding of healthcare performance for consumers and local communities.

The reports produced draw on a variety of sources to analyse and report on healthcare performance, providing trends and benchmarks at state, local health district and hospital level.

The BHI manages the NSW Patient Survey Program, which offers families and patients the opportunity to provide feedback about their experiences of care in the health system.

Help us improve the patient and family experience

Help us improve the patient and family experience by emailing for more information or to submit feedback or ideas.