A new statewide referral pathway from NSW Ambulance to virtualKIDS has been launched to help keep kids closer to home.
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A new statewide referral pathway from NSW Ambulance to virtualKIDS has been launched to help keep kids closer to home.
As Professor Joshua Burns PhD bids farewell to his time at the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, he leaves behind a 20 year long legacy of incredible work and transformative leadership.
The latest round of MRFF grants will further drive innovation and research across Kids Research into areas such as childhood asthma, cancer, Cerebral Palsy and trauma care.
Over 300 bright junior medical officers (JMOs) have been welcomed to the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network’s (SCHN), dedicated to championing the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
A first of its kind program, PRAM provides hands on education and mentorship for paediatric nurses and doctors returning to the workforce after parental leave.
Rushing into the world four months early, 'teeny, tiny Tilly’ made her grand entrance on Boxing Day weighing just 560g. She has been defying the odds every day since.
Eight Allied Health professionals have been recognised at the annual SCHN allied health awards for the contributions they make every day to delivering exemplary patient care.