In the heart of La Perouse lies the Aboriginal Community Health Centre, where every second Tuesday morning, a dedicated team provides opportunistic immunisations to Aboriginal bubs and their families.
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In the heart of La Perouse lies the Aboriginal Community Health Centre, where every second Tuesday morning, a dedicated team provides opportunistic immunisations to Aboriginal bubs and their families.
The Children's Hospital at Westmead and Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick are hosting a free influenza (flu) vaccination clinic for babies (>6 month), children and young people (under 16 years) and members of their household
Calls to the NSW Poisons Information Centre (NSWPIC) for accidental vaping exposures in toddlers have more than tripled in the past year, prompting a grave warning from health experts.
Families are being urged to help keep their children safe around home treadmills following a spike in burn injuries from the machine leading into the New Year.
Eloise’s story is one that could have had a different and devastating outcome if her mum, Deb, had waited even a few hours to take action when she saw the warning signs of sepsis. It is for that reason she is inspired to raise awareness.
Experts are urging parents and carers to be extra vigilant with hot food and drink these school holidays, following a spike in burns injuries from instant noodles.
On International Overdose Awareness Day, the NSW Poisons Information Centre are encouraging the community to learn the signs and symptoms of overdose.
A rising number of influenza (flu) cases presenting to the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN) ahead of winter has prompted renewed calls for parents to get their family vaccinated against the virus.
ChIPS members were empowered to write, compose and record a new song, "Frequent Flyer" that powerfully conveys the experience of being a young person living with a chronic health condition and learning to cope with frequent stays in hospital.
Traditional Aboriginal healing and modern medicine came together in a partnership to turnaround Corey’s recovery journey.