Postnatal referral (hospital transfer)

Postnatal referral

  • phone referral to the EB service at Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick
  • photos of wounds used for initial clinical assessment
  • assessment: location and facilities of birth hospital, and severity of wounds, to determine if transfer to Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick is required
  • same day courier of new baby EB box set up with suitable dressings to birth hospital.

Hospital transfer

  • communication with the Newborn Emergency Transport Service (NETS) or ambulance
  • mother transferred to birthing hospital on same site as Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick.

Arrival at Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick

  • EB team contacted by email
  • dermatology, paediatrics, genetics, nursing, dietetics and social work all involved from day of arrival
  • mother linked to midwifery support from local birthing hospital if not admitted locally as an inpatient
  • length of hospital stay guided by wound management, growth and availability of home nursing
  • discharged with home nursing and weekly hospital reviews until birth trauma is stabilised
  • first EB clinic scheduled after parents confident with dressing changes and clinic contact is less than fortnightly.

End of newborn pathway