Ella talks Footloose

Photo of group of female adolescents at Footloose camp.

When I first heard about Camp Footloose to be honest I was a bit hesitant and didn’t really want to go, and as it turns out, choosing to go was one of the best decisions of my life.

I met kids just like me.

I didn’t have to explain why I couldn’t do something or why I was walking slow, they understood because they knew what was happening to me.

The best part about camp for me is definitely the people, making friends and finding out about their experiences. Camp is all about having a week to just be yourself without annoying questions, like “but you don’t look sore” or “it’s all in your head” or “you’re just tired”.

You get to do so many fun activities like rock climbing, raft building, kayaking, archery, a campfire and heaps of other stuff.

If something’s too hard, it’s ok you don’t have to do it and if you need to rest, you can. Everyone encourages you to at least try and if you can do something you should do it. There are always people there to help you, whether it’s the nurse, the kids or the leaders—someone is always there if you need it.

The Camp Footloose people are the most supportive and enthusiastic group of people I’ve ever met and they will encourage and empower you

They help you to be more confident and happy about yourself and your Arthritis.

Camp Footloose provides a unique and inclusive environment; it’s perfect for all kids with Arthritis.

Ella Ryan, 13.

Read the ABC story: ‘It started in my knee’.