Georgia’s story

Photo of smiling Georgia.
Hi, my name is Alicia. My daughter Georgia was diagnosed at 17 months old with Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis, or CRMO for short.

Georgia began her life as a very healthy baby however in November 2016 she began having recurrent high temperatures and stopped walking, preferring to be picked up and carried. This was not like our active little girl and we could see she was in pain.

After multiple doctors’ visits, tests and examinations Georgia was diagnosed with CRMO.

We began treatment with low doses of medication but it soon after it became clear she having a significant ‘flare up’ and we were admitted to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

Georgia’s future is looking bright and she’s becoming her happy fun loving self again

CRMO is a condition where the bones swell which causes pain and soft tissue swelling, and sometimes high temperatures. It’s known that with the right treatment CRMO may go into remission and the chance of flare ups is reduced.

There isn’t much information available online about Georgia’s condition, but having access to the great doctors and a supportive health care team at Westmead has meant we have found out as much as we could about CRMO. We are now in a much better position to monitor Georgia’s health and progress, and respond to any flares if they occur.

Several parts of Georgia’s body are affected, which was why she initially stopped her using her arms and legs, but now after 7 months of treatment Georgia is walking again with limited pain. We don’t know when or how many flare ups she’ll have but we hope that as she gets older these will lessen in frequency and severity.

Alicia, October 2017