Trapeze services for clinicians
Young people with chronic health conditions and/or disabilities benefit from structured support as they grow up and transition from paediatric to adult health services.
Preparation helps with development of their independence and self-management skills, planning for adult healthcare and supporting psychosocial wellbeing.
Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network engage young people and their families and carers to ensure that our services meet their needs.
Clincians can access out service via the below pathways.
Education about general transition
Health care transition is everyone’s responsibility. Youth and transition encourage you to support the young people accessing your services with gradual preparation from early adolescence eg 14 yrs:
- Start talking with young people directly to enhance their emerging independence and include their parents/caregivers in developing their self-management abilities.
- Plan for any assessments or interventions that need to occur while at still at the children’s hospital.
- Providing general transition resources and educating about challenges or management specific to the young person’s chronic condition.
- Visit Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI)
- Attending Trapeze’s general transition webinars held every two months online
- Considering the benefits of peer-support eg our Chronic Illness Peer Support program or condition-specific support groups
Collaboration with speciality teams for specific transition support
Development of self-management skills has been demonstrated to improve health literacy, treatment compliance, increase independence skills and helps young people feel ready for adult healthcare.
Trapeze can work collaboratively with your team to develop condition specific transition resources, such as:
- Provide a consultative service for general transition advice and health care navigation
- Co-design of written resources relevant to your patient group
- Development and delivery of condition specific transition webinar
- Support you to establish a joint transition clinic with corresponding adult services
- Specialty team and Trapeze facilitated peer support self-management group
- Identify appropriate young people for other adolescent services within SCHN, for example, individual Self-Management clinic run by the Department of Adolescent Medicine (AMU), ChIPS and Youth Arts Program Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick
Individual transition care coordination
Referral criteria:
- From 16 years old
- Living with a complex chronic condition(s) currently treated at SCHN under multiple medical teams
- Have an unclear pathway to adult health services
- Have psychosocial vulnerabilities
Where a young person does not meet criteria for individual care coordination, young people and families/carers will be provided with general transition resources.
For more information please access our practice guidelines.