Living with Cerebral Palsy

These resources provide guidance, information and the latest research about cerebral palsy.

my CPGuide

My CPGuide is an Australian website that provides information about cerebral palsy including diagnosis and assessments; therapies and interventions; independence and inclusion; managing cerebral palsy throughout your life; managing health and wellbeing; school, education, work, and leisure; and accessing the local community. 

Cerebral Palsy Treatment Guides by the Cerebral Palsy Alliance

The Cerebral Palsy Alliance have developed Cerebral Palsy Treatment Guides that provide information based on the latest research evidence from our Cerebral Palsy Research Institute and across the world about the interventions that are most effective.

The guides are organised into age groups and provide information about a range of different needs your child may have across their life journey. The guides can be used to support your conversations with funding agencies, support coordinators, service providers, and therapists, to make sure that a person with cerebral palsy gets the right intervention, at the right time, and in the right amount.

Last updated Thursday 8th February 2024