There are lots of great activities for children and adolescents while in hospital. If your child can’t leave their bed, we can bring the fun to them!

Art and arts programs

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead has so many beautiful artworks on display that it is actually a registered art gallery! 

Many of the  artworks you will see have been crafted by children or young people. Ask staff about the the sculpture walk so you can browse the artworks gracing our hospital walls. 

The Youth Arts Program also offers a range of creative arts, craft and leisure activities for adolescents in hospital.

Book Bunker library

The Book Bunker is a library by Scholastic Australia for kids and young people in hospital. You can either come and visit the library or volunteer librarians will come to the ward with books to suit all ages.

They even have books in other languages!

If your child is unable to leave the ward, you can phone the Book Bunker on extension 50808 from your bedside phone and the librarian will bring books to you.

The trolley also visits wards from time to time with a selection of books to choose from.

The Book Bunker library is open from 10am to 3pm on weekdays.

There are many helpful books you can read with your child to prepare for your hospital visit. There are also picture books available for younger children. Visit our Kids Health bookshop on level two of the hospital. For more information, phone Kids Health on (02) 7825 3585.

Clown doctors

While in hospital you might get a visit from a clown doctor! 

Clown doctors visit the wards bringing a little fun and silliness to brighten up your day.

Delta dogs

Delta dogs visit the hospital to bring some joy to kids and teens and to help remind them of their pets they are missing at home. 

The delta dogs comfort and inspire many patients in hospital and their visits are a highlight for patients and families


By day, Livewire delivers activities on the wards. At night, the Starlight Express Room becomes a teen hangout. A chill out zone where you can be social, connect with others, chat with the Livewire staff or take part in a fun workshop.  

On the ward

Most wards have a play area, TVs for hire, games and craft activities.

Playgrounds and gardens

Head outside from the hospital foyer ramp and spend time at the George Gregan Foundation all-access playground. 


  • the undercover area with giant chess and checkers games, bring your friends or family down and play a game
  • follow the labyrinth at the end of the garden, it only has one path and it is very calming
  • visit the Chinese Gardens, where you will see a waterfall and fish. 

Play programs

Our Child Life Therapists run play groups for children from babies to eight years old. Ask the ward or staff for more information. 

Radio Bedrock and Starlight Express Room

Radio Bedrock and the Starlight Express Room is a doctor and nurse-free zone where kids and teens can come for some fun, including the latest computer games, movies, crafts and activities.  

Kids who are too sick to leave their beds can join in the fun via the daily Captain Starlight shows that are broadcast to their bedside TVs.