Staff who can help
Your child’s health care team consists of many different health professionals who work together with you to provide the best care possible for your child and support for your family.
Depending on your child’s needs, the health care team may consist of just one or two individuals, or may be made up of many staff from various departments. There are three main groups of health care workers – nurses, doctors and allied health professionals.
There are also many other staff members who are vital to the day-to-day running of the Hospital, s
There are also many other staff members who are here to help during your stay, from the enquiries counter and volunteers to interpreters and chaplains.
Participating in your child’s care
As the parent or carer, you are an important part of your child’s health care team, because you are the expert when it comes to your child. You have the right to participate in your child’s care, as much as you feel comfortable.
Staff will discuss your child’s care with you and together you can decide what parts of your child’s care you may safely provide.
Patient friend
The patient friend liaises between the patient, the family and the hospital to provide support and information about procedures, services and facilities.
The patient friend assists, supports and empowers patients and their families to have their comments, concerns and complaints addressed in a respectful and timely way by appropriate members of staff.
If you have any concerns, you should speak to the nursing unit manager on your child’s ward in the first instance. If you would like help with a problem that remains unresolved, please contact the patient friend.
Patient friend at Westmead
The patient friend is located on level two of the hospital, next to Kids Health, and can be contacted by phone on (02) 7825 3535 or on extension 53535 from your bedside phone.
Patient friend at Randwick
If you have any worries or concerns relating to the quality of care or service your child has received while in hospital please contact the Patient Friend on (02) 9382 0680 or page through the switchboard (02) 9382 1111.
Chaplain at Westmead
The hospital has a 24-hour chaplaincy service to provide support to all families regardless of their religious and cultural background. You don’t need to be religious to ask for support. Hospital Chaplains offer
- coomfort and support to patients, relatives and staff
- prayer
- a listening ear
- support in grief and loss
There is also a quiet room for reflection and prayer next to the Starlight Room on level two.
Chaplain at Randwick
Chaplains of most denominations are available for children and their families. Please ask your nurse or clinical support officer to contact them for you.
A Chapel is located in the Barker Street foyer, Prince of Wales Hospital.
A Prayer Room is also available in the adjoining Royal Hospital for Women, level 0 – please check at reception.
Kids Health (child health promotion unit)
Kids Health is an information resource centre on level two of the hospital, open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.
It offers a wide range of books, computer-based information, videos and pamphlets.
The staff at Kids Health can also provide contact details for a wide range of support groups and information on rare disorders.
You can phone Kids Health on (02) 7825 3585.
Social Workers
When your child is in hospital, it can be a worrying and stressful time for you and your family.
The Social Work team supports the whole family’s adjustment to the diagnosis and management of your child’s illness, disability or trauma.
By getting to know you and your family, the social worker can assess your current support needs and offer services such as counselling, information and help to access services.
A social worker will usually come to see you and your child in hospital or you can ask to see a social worker.
Social work at Westmead
- Phone: (02) 7825 2641 or (02) 9845 2642 (extension 52641 or 52642 from any hospital phone)
- Location: level one, behind the ramp.
Social work at Randwick
- Phone: (02) 9382 1021 or
- ask a member of your child’s treating team to refer you to a social worker.
Child life, music and play therapy
Child life therapists support children and young people’s needs using play, preparation, education and coping strategies to help patients during their treatments.
The therapy service helps children and their families through the hospital experience to minimise the impact of hospitalisation on their lives.
Child life, music and play therapy at Westmead
Phone: (02) 7825 3369
Child life, music and play therapy at Randwick
Phone: 9382 0007 or 9382 1533
Ward grandparents
Ward grandparents at Westmead
The ward grandparents program is a service available through the social work department. If your child has a long admission, a trained volunteer ward grandparent can regularly spend time with your child if you can’t be there or when you need a break.
Contact the social work team on (02) 7825 2641 or (02) 9845 2642 (extension 52641 or 52642 from any hospital phone) for more information.
Ward grandparents at Randwick
Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick participates in the Association for the Welfare of Child Health (AWCH) Ward Grandparent Scheme.
A trained volunteer grandparent can become a special visitor and friend to your child while in hospital and when you can’t be there.
They can visit your child on a regular basis for up to four hours at a time. For more details please contact the ward grandparent program coordinator on (02) 9382 1063.
Volunteers at Westmead
It may be possible for a volunteer to stay with your child if you need to leave for a short time. Volunteers are also available to escort you around the hospital if you’re not sure of the way. Please ask nursing staff for more details.
The volunteers shop near the hospital’s main entrance stocks gift items, handmade crafts, toys and children’s clothing at reasonable prices. All proceeds from this shop are donated back to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.
Volunteers at Randwick
Ward helpers are available to play or sit with your child should you wish to run errands or take some time out. They are available to visit your child Monday to Friday in the morning or afternoon. For volunteer assistance, please speak to your nurse or the Nursing Unit Manager.
The weekend play program involves teams of two to four volunteers per ward providing play services between 9am – 12pm on Saturdays and 3pm – 6pm on Sundays.
Volunteers deliver arts, crafts, games and toys to children and families on the ward, either in the play room or by the bedside.