Rules and safety

Find out about our

  • safety, privacy and security protocols 
  • rules on safety and alcohol 
  • boundaries when interacting with staff. 


Smoking and alcohol

It is not permitted to bring alcohol or illegal drugs into the hospitals.

There are no designated smoking areas (DSAs) at The Children's Hospital at Westmead. 

DSAs accessible to patients, visitors and staff at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick are the responsibility of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District and are located at:

  • Barker Street entrance to the Randwick Hospital campus
  • Nurses Drive, opposite the Prince of Wales Hyperbaric Unit 

These DSAs are shared by all health facilities on the campus. DSAs are intended primarily for the use of visitors. Children are not permitted in a DSA.

There are sensitive smoke detectors in all buildings, which alert the fire brigade if smoke is detected.


Security officers patrol the hospitals 24/7.

While staying, or visiting the hospital, please observe normal safety precautions and do not leave your valuables or personal items unattended.

All wards are locked after visiting hours and only parents/carers can enter the ward after hours.

The Intensive Care Units are locked 24 hours a day but staff are there to let parents and visitors in.

To ensure the safety and well-being of patients, visitors and staff, any person using abusive or threatening language or behaving in a threatening manner will be asked to leave the Hospital immediately.

Security at Randwick

To contact Security,  please ask a staff member to assist you or call (02) 9382 2847.

Security at Westmead

The Security Office is located on level two of the Hospital, opposite the Emergency Department, and is staffed 24 hours a day. 


For health and safety reasons, we ask that parents and visitors wear footwear while in the hospital. 

Guidelines for interacting with staff

Patients and families often form good relationships with staff (including volunteers) during their stay at. 

However, staff are required to follow the NSW Ministry of Health’s Code of Conduct which means they must maintain professional boundaries with patients and families at all times.

Staff have to say ‘no’ to any requests from families that may be seen as going beyond professional boundaries – so if this happens, please don’t be offended.

Examples include :

  • a parent inviting a staff member to be their ‘friend’ on social networking websites
  • exchanging personal contact numbers.

If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to the nurse unit manager or nursing team leader in charge of your ward.


If your child is in hospital, please ensure that you:

  • keep the cot sides fully up at all times
  • do not sleep in your child’s bed as this may block staff access to your child
  • never give food or drink to your child if there is a ‘nil by mouth’ notice on the bed – this could be dangerous for your child
  • do not give food or drink to other children on the ward as they may be on special diets
  • consult staff before ordering meals if your child is on a special diet 
  • do not take hot drinks into patient care areas
  • for safety, children under the age of 10 are not allowed in the ward kitchens
  • identification bands remain on your child while they are in the hospital
  • inform the nurses when leaving the ward
  • do not share other children’s food or toys
  • do not pick up other children in the ward
  • keep curtains around the bed open, unless needing to be closed for a reason, as this makes it easier to observe your child
  • all medication brought into hospital is given to the nursing staff to lock in the medication cupboard
  • parents/carers taking any regular medication should discuss storage of this with the nurse unit manager
  • do not give any medication to your child without first letting the nursing staff know. 

We are a teaching hospital

Our hospitals are teaching hospitals. We have an important part to play in teaching the next generation of health care professionals.

Our teaching is conducted under close supervision. However, if you wish to decline an examination of your child by a medical student, we will respect your decision.