Cancer patients and families: Travel and accommodation options

Travel and accommodation support is an important consideration during treatment. Find out more about assistance options below.  

Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Scheme (IPTAAS)

IPTAAS is a state government assistance program to assist people with the cost of accommodation and travel to attend their child’s medical appointments. 

IPTAAS is for families travelling more than 100km each way (or more than 200km each week).

Central Coast Kids in Need

Central Coast Kids in Need provides financial assistance to families of seriously ill children, living in the Central Coast (IPTAAS ineligible) who are required to travel to Sydney for treatment.

Ronald McDonald Children Charities

Ronald McDonald Children Charities provides services for children and their families.

Ronald McDonald House Randwick is located on the grounds of the hospital (149 Barker Street, Randwick). It is available for children who are being treated at the hospital.

Ronald McDonald House has

  • 21 bedrooms
  • 5 self-contained isolation units
  • separate residential property.

The main house has a fully equipped kitchen, several indoor entertainment areas and a large covered outdoor dining area and playground, as well as laundry facilities and play areas for the children. Linen and blankets are provided. 

Priority admission

Priority for admission to Ronald McDonald House is given to families travelling more than 100kms from the hospital, whose child is newly diagnosed, has had a relapse of their disease or is terminally ill.


  • when the child is in hospital and parents and siblings are staying in the House: $43 per room, per night. 
  • when the child is staying at the House with their family: $60 per room, per night. 

For families who live 100km or more away from the hospital, accommodation costs are subsidised by the NSW Health scheme, IPTAAS (see below). 

Make a booking at Ronald McDonald House Randwick

Phone: (02) 9382 1622

The Leukaemia Foundation

The Leukaemia Foundation Patient and Family Accommodation Complex is located in Westmead and is available to children who have blood cancer and their families. The foundation also provide a transport service to and from the hospital. Eligibility criteria and exclusions for accessing these services apply.

Flight and transport

Families from rural and regional areas who require ongoing treatment may be eligible to access the services of ‘Little Wings’ and ‘Angel Flight’, both charities coordinate flights for non-emergency medical treatment. A referral can be made by any member of your treating team.

Local accommodation

Randwick and Coogee have a number of hotels and lodges within a short distance from the hospital. If you choose to stay in private accommodation with your child, and live more than 100kms from the Hospital, you may be able to make a claim on some of these costs via the IPTAAS scheme mentioned above. 

If you have private health insurance, some of your accommodation expenses may be reimbursed. Ask your health insurance fund to assess whether you are eligible. 

List of local accommodation

Options listed are in order of distance from the hospital. The maximum distance in the below list is 5 minutes by car.