Social workers for cancer patients at Westmead

Social work 

Social workers care for patients and families' emotional needs and help them deal with the impact of diagnosis, admission to hospital and treatment. 

Having a child in hospital is a stressful time. It is helpful to have someone outside your family who is aware of the impact that illness and hospitalisation have on children and their families.

Social workers can talk to you about

  • adjusting to life with a cancer diagnosis 
  • coping with stress and relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety 
  • grief and loss
  • safety and crisis intervention
  • using the hospital and community services like support groups
  • concerns about your child's development or behaviour
  • provide assessments for counselling and therapy 
  • accessing education and assistance 
  • translation services and cultural support 
  • adjusting to life after treatment 
  • individual or family meetings with the social worker 

Contact Social Work

We are located on Level 1, near the end of the ramp. A social worker is on call for emergencies at all times.

 Monday to Friday 8am - 4:30pm

 (02) 7825 2641 or (02) 7825 2642