Haematology non-malignant program

The program provides care for more than 100 young patients with haemophilia, thrombosis and other bleeding disorders in the Haemophilia Treatment Centre at Sydney Children's Hopsital, Randwick. 

The program also specialises in the care of children with rare haematological diseases such as Haemoglobinopathies including Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Anaemia. 

The team focuses on patients with Aplastic Anaemia and helps with the management of the patient from diagnosis, through transfusion and immunosuppressive therapy, and bone marrow transplantation if necessary.

The team offers medical expertise, family support and education allowing patients to manage their chronic condition and lead a rewarding and fulfilling life. 


Dr Susan Russell

(02) 9382 1690


Grainne Dunne, Haematology Clinical Nurse Consultant

(02) 9382 1240
